are white holes more dangerous than black holes
by have519doum to Vicky F, Verna D, Sheridan, Natasha P, Martin M, Kirsty L, M, Alessio S
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What is the most MASSIVE thing in the universe
by boj
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if you fell off the statue of liberty, but landed on a massive cushion, would you break any bones?
by ava and hibba!!
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what is a sport scientist
by used520tube to Kirsty L, Jessica M, Evelyn M
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who was the first person to walk on the moon
by buss520rhos to Vicky F, Sheridan, Natasha P, martinmcmahon, Kirsty L
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is the moon made of cheese
by olliew
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when we put plasters on open, bleeding wounds, wouldnt that surely cause the blood to clot under your skin?? how come
by ava and hibba!!
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Through the use of artificial selection, can you give plants medical properties?
by William
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If you had a chance to go back and change your line of work, would you or would you stay and why?
by knew520unco and 1 other.
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if a human didnt eat for 2 whole weeks, and survived and the next day went back to there usual eating routine, e.g
by ava and hibba!!
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