• Question: Hello. What is the biggest mistake you made either while studying or at your job, and what advice would you give younger scientists who might make the same mistake as you?

    Asked by Lara on 11 Feb 2025.
    • Photo: Sandra Robertson

      Sandra Robertson answered on 11 Feb 2025:

      Don’t be afraid to change if its not working for you. If you are not finding what you have chosen interesting or it has started to feel like a chore, look to change. As you go through life your interests will change, the people you want to be close to will change, and the places you want to call home will change. Take that leap to something new if it is not working as you thought it would.

    • Photo: Andreea Claudia Toma

      Andreea Claudia Toma answered on 26 Feb 2025:

      Making a mistake doesn’t mean it’s all over; it’s just the start of a new and exciting journey!
      Don’t be afraid of changes.
