
Heather Fox
About Me:
I live in Devon and I work for the Environment Agency, testing water from rivers all over the country. I love to spend my free time playing video games and learning French!
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I started working at the Environment Agency as an apprentice after I finished my A-Levels, which gave me a really good opportunity to learn while I worked. My lab is flexible with working patterns, so I have loads of time for hobbies! I recently got a film camera so I’m excited to see if I can take any good photos 🙂
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I work for the Environment Agency in a lab that tests water from all over the country to make sure its safe for the things that need it – humans, animals and plants
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My lab tests water for loads of different things! They are things that can be bad for you if there’s too much of it so we test the samples to make sure there isn’t too much of anything dangerous in there.
My Typical Day:
I like to get to work early so I arrive at 7am (you are allowed to go in later if you want!). I supervise other people in the lab so I work out what order the experiments need to be done in and also check to see if anyone needs help. I normally go home at 3:30pm which is why I go into work earlier, I like being able to have time for my hobbies in the afternoon.
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During the day my lab can be very busy as we can get hundreds of samples that need to be tested quickly, but we all work as a team to get the work done. I find it fun to work in a busy place and enjoy helping others and the environment. 🙂
I did my Level 3 Apprenticeship at Tiverton Petroc.
A Level:
Chemistry: C
Biology: C
Psychology: D
Level 3 BTEC: D*D*D*
Work History:
2016-2018: Assistant Scientist – Environment Agency
2019-2020: Senior Assistant Scientist – Environment Agency
Current Job:
2021-Present: Scientist – Environment Agency
Environment Agency
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
A scientist!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
No, I was always too scared to be in trouble
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
An engineer, I like to build things
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Arctic Monkeys
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I would wish for lots of money (so I can buy more toys for my cats), clean water and food for everyone, and to stop global warming.