
Sandra Robertson
About Me:
I live in Brechin, and travel daily to work in Dundee, where I am a Process Technician. My weekends are spent following my favourite rugby teams – Edinburgh Rugby and Scotland Rugby with my friends. I like to travel and explore new cities, where I like to visit art galleries and museums. The furthest I have travelled is Japan.
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I grew up and went to school in Brechin. When I finished high school I didn’t want to go to university. I enjoyed all the chemistry and biology experiments, but didn’t like all the studying from books. I was lucky and got a job as a Laboratory Technician soon after leaving school.
At school as well as liking science, I liked art. I now like visiting art galleries to see the pictures I studied in art history in person. One of my favourite art galleries is in Paris, called Musee d’Orsay. I recently visited Claude Monet’s garden where he painted pictures of waterlilies and haystacks.
Out of work I enjoy going to rugby games with my fiends. When you’ve had a bad week, and things have not gone quite how you would like, shouting at the team is a good stress buster! I have made lots of friends by going to rugby, and unlike football the fans from both teams are all sitting together. Going on rugby trips with my friends has also let me travel and explore new places, like Japan. I would love to go back to Japan and explore more one day.
My pronouns are:
she / her
My Work:
I work for a company called Abbott Laboratories, as a Process Technician. I help make tests which are used by doctors and hospitals, when you are unwell.
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When you are unwell and visit the doctor, they might take a small sample of your blood to help find out what is happening inside your body. The tests I help make are used in hospitals to help the doctors know if you need medicine or not. Sometimes a test result will show you need to eat more healthy foods, or change how much exercise you do, to not need to take a tablet everyday.
For the hospitals and doctors to want to use our test, it has to be the one that gives the right answer every time they use it. They also want a test that is quick and easy to use in a busy hospital. In my job as a Process Technician, I have to check that a test will give the same answer every time it is used through a process called Validation. Validation allows us to find any mistakes, and fix them, before the test is used on people who are sick. A test that doesn’t give the doctor the right answer could mean a person gets an operation they don’t need, making them even more unwell!
My Typical Day:
I wake up early, as I catch a bus to travel from Brechin to Dundee for work. On the bus I like to listen to the radio. When I get to work I have to change my shoes and and some of my clothes. I have special inside shoes which I have to wear, to stop dirt getting into the areas where we make the tests. I take off my outside coat and put on a labcoat, to protect my clothes. Everyday I have a short meeting to find out if I have everything I need to do my job that day. My day is usually a mix of doing experiments, writing up the results in reports or going to meetings to pass on updates. I am not allowed to eat or drink at my desk, so I go to the canteen for my breaks, and to catch up with work friends. I work 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday
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When I get to my desk, I switch on my laptop and check for any new emails. I also check to see what meetings I have, so I can plan my work around these. Some of the emails might be for training on a new procedure, which I need to read and sign electronically. I use Standard Operating Procedures, which means there is only one right way everyone must follow to do that test or experiment. It is really important I read about any changes, as soon as I can.
When I do an experiment it is really important I keep a note of everything I have used. I need to record which chemicals I have used, how much I have used, and their expiry date. I must also record what equipment I have used, and things like the speed I set, or the time the test took. When I write my report at the end I must include all these details. This is so one of my work friends can copy exactly what I have done by reading the report.
I went to Andover Primary School, Brechin, starting when I was 4 and a half, and was the youngest girl in my class. I then to Brechin High School from 1985 to 1991 – staying until 6th Year.
While working at the Scottish Agricultural College in Aberdeen I completed a SCOTVEC Module in Microbiology, as part of a change of role between departments.
While working at Axis-Shield Diagnostics, Ltd, now part of Abbott Laboratories I completed a SVQ Level 3 -Business Improvement Techniques
7 `O` Grade – Arith, Maths, English, Chemistry, Physics, French, Art at passes 1/2/3
6 `H` Grade – Maths, English, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Art at passes B/C
3 `SYS` Certificates – Chemistry and Maths at passes C/D
2 SCOTVEC modules – Cookery
SCOTVEC Module – Techniques in Food Microbiology
SVQ Level 3 -Business Improvement Techniques
Work History:
Before I left school I was working part-time, mainly Saturdays in my local ‘Alldays’ store, as a shop assistant. This gave me experience of working with the public, being responsible for handling money, and stock control, and probably where I first learned the value of product expiry dates.
My first full time position on leaving school was with X Cell Foam Ltd, 02/09/91-21/01/92 as a Laboratory Technician. I was responsible for developing and testing closed cell foam products in a laboratory which was a miniature version of the main factory. It was a very small operation.
I was unemployed for a period of time after this role, which had me reconsidering my choice at times about further study v the working environment.
In 1993 I was successful in applying for a Laboratory Assistant role with the Scottish Agricultural College in Aberdeen. During my time with the college I gained skills in sample preparation and milling, nutritional analysis of animal and human foods, fats, fibres, proteins, carbohydrates – the type of information that is on the packaging of every foodstuff. I was given an opportunity to learn radioimmunoassay testing, and was responsible for pregnancy testing of cattle and result reporting to local veterinary surgeries. I was promoted to the role of an Assistant Scientific Officer, and moved to working in commercial and research microbiology. I did not enjoy this work as much as previous experience of RIA. At the same time the business moved to the Craibstone Estate and travel to work become more difficult.
In 2001 I started my new role as Manufacturing Technician with Axis-Shield Diagnostics Ltd in Dundee. My transferrable skills in immunoassay being vital in this new role. I started in the manufacturing department with ELISA plate assays, which moved to developing the assays for 3rd party automated analysers. During my time at Axis-Shield, I became the Laboratory Assistant Supervisor, and became responsible for up to 3 direct reports. In my role as supervisor for some of the staff I supported them as they completed a Modern Apprenticeship qualification. During the Covid pandemic I was part of a team developing an ELISA detection assay, which was exciting but also extremely stressful. I have taken the opportunity to do several secondments, gaining skills in other areas of the business and for product validation and the development of products with our R&D department. The business has also seen some significant changes during my employment following acquisition by Alere Laboratories, and now Abbott Laboratories.
Current Job:
My current role with the business is an Operations Process Technician, in the Process Engineering Team. I started this role in March 2023. This role requires me to use a full mix of the skills and knowledge I have gained about the business and how it functions. I am required to interact and communicate with staff at all levels, I need to be familiar with current process to propose improvements and solutions to current problems. The role can be varied but some aspects are repetitive and require patience and diligence to stick to the task. Attention to detail is very important, as small changes may be process or product critical both for the business and the customer
I work for Abbott Laboratories at their Dundee site. Abbott are a multinational medical diagnostics and devices business. They are responsible for products such as the Freestyle Libre for diabetes monitoring, Ensure and Pedisure nutritional supplements, and were massively involved in the supply of test kits for Covid-19 during the pandemic.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Love mixing potions
What did you want to be after you left school?
A laboratory scientist / work in a laboratory environment
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Working in an art gallery or museum
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Currently Sam Fender, all time Snow Patrol
What's your favourite food?
Sticky toffee pudding,
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I wish I had the money and endless holidays to travel more often and explore further. I wish I get to see the Scotland Rugby Team win the 6Nations in my lifetime! I wish I had been braver in my choices when I was younger and not so worried about disappointing my family.