Not especially. I’ve worked with human body parts and fluids since I was 18 years old. But – there is a bacteria called Proteus and it absolutely stinks! It’s the only one that has ever made me feel sick.
I find ticks really gross – when I worked in southern African some of the horses I worked with had more than a hundred ticks attached to their skin underneath their tail, yuk!
Intestinal worms can be gross too – particularly when they appear in the faeces (poo) and they’re still alive and moving. Occasionally (thankfully not very often in this country) if a horse has severe colic (abdominal pain) and requires an operation to fix the problem, when you open up the intestines there are large numbers of worms inside, blocking the intestines.
melissau commented on :
I find ticks really gross – when I worked in southern African some of the horses I worked with had more than a hundred ticks attached to their skin underneath their tail, yuk!
Intestinal worms can be gross too – particularly when they appear in the faeces (poo) and they’re still alive and moving. Occasionally (thankfully not very often in this country) if a horse has severe colic (abdominal pain) and requires an operation to fix the problem, when you open up the intestines there are large numbers of worms inside, blocking the intestines.