• Question: How do you manage a work/life balance?

    Asked by Amabel on 12 Nov 2024.
    • Photo: Emma Weir

      Emma Weir answered on 12 Nov 2024:

      I make sure to keep experiments during the week as much as possible! Occasionally working with cells means this can be hard, because they don’t stop growing at the weekend…

      Other things I do are to keep emails and admin as tasks I only do at work, and try not to touch them when I’m at home

    • Photo: Sandra Robertson

      Sandra Robertson answered on 14 Nov 2024:

      I signed up to be a STEM Ambassador for my business and I’m finding this to be a great way to bring a better balance to my working week. Sharing my experiences of working with the business for 23 years with others, encouraging the next generation to consider a role in a similar industry, and participating in outreach activities at local primary and secondary schools, helps remind me of all the good things about working in my role. This is why I signed up to participate in this program, to challenge how I can explain my job to others and share what my career has been like, good and bad, to help others make a more informed choice.
