How intelligent is an octopus?
by fund520woad
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What’s one of the most interesting or challenging cases you’ve worked on where your scientific expertise played a
by MufaroN
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hi, which type of cancer are you researching?
by Sophia2 to Tim H, jamiehoneychurch, hayleypincott, Adriana F
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How does the sun heat up our planet when it is so far away?
by near520muon
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Why is space black
by desk520muon
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How does kinetic energy works
by fact520haut
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Hello. What is the biggest mistake you made either while studying or at your job, and what advice would you give
by Lara
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why are cells small
by dear520quey to Zoe V, Larissa Chicoski, katiegaffney, Kareen, giorgiaperri, Adriana F
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is it chlorine that makes a swimming pool clean? if not then what does make it clean?
by ava and hibba!! to Lauren G, Karen E, John G, Heather F, Alex
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What is one of the most challenging aspects of working in biopharmaceutical industry, especially when it comes to
by MufaroN to paulterrill, Nick L, kathrynhowells, Katharine G, Fiona B, allysonmcintyre
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How does the sun heat up our planet when it is so far away? (1 comment)
why do some animals have sharp teeth (1 comment)
Hello. What is the biggest mistake you made either while studying or at your job, and what advice would you give (2 comments)
Do you enjoy looking after animals (1 comment)
what is bacteria accutally are? (1 comment)