There are likely lots of different jobs that you could apply for with this qualification. But you will likely need to look at individual job descriptions and see what they list as their “essential” requirements.
Hi Caitlin, the BTECH is a great foundation to build on and I would say it’s a passport to do any kind of job. If you are interested in Sciences then the best skill you can develop is asking questions and then listening the answers. Science is all about trying to understand stuff, and we can only achieve this by asking questions. The BTECH will certainly give you enough understanding to leave you wanting to know more, and then the right company should be able to help you learn more through on the job training. In the companies I’ve worked for we have trained up many people that have come to us with a BTECH, and I’ve had bosses that started with just a BTECH.
martinmcmahon commented on :
Hi Caitlin, the BTECH is a great foundation to build on and I would say it’s a passport to do any kind of job. If you are interested in Sciences then the best skill you can develop is asking questions and then listening the answers. Science is all about trying to understand stuff, and we can only achieve this by asking questions. The BTECH will certainly give you enough understanding to leave you wanting to know more, and then the right company should be able to help you learn more through on the job training. In the companies I’ve worked for we have trained up many people that have come to us with a BTECH, and I’ve had bosses that started with just a BTECH.