• Question: what is your fav chem bio or phy

    Asked by ParmeetB on 15 Nov 2024. This question was also asked by sand520saps, must520rhos, siya, path520ocas, bank520rope, ahrienne.
    • Photo: Alexander De Bruin

      Alexander De Bruin answered on 15 Nov 2024:

      I prefer the bits in the middle of all three, though mostly the overlap between chemistry and physics.

    • Photo: Sophie Pain

      Sophie Pain answered on 18 Nov 2024:

      My favourite is chemistry, but I like the parts of chemistry that overlap with physics and engineering!

    • Photo: Parwinder Hothi

      Parwinder Hothi answered on 25 Nov 2024:

      My favourite is Chemistry and any aspects of Science that overlap with Engineering.

    • Photo: Carly Bingham

      Carly Bingham answered on 19 Dec 2024:

      In school, my favourite was always physics, but now I sit very firmly on the line between physics and biology – using physics to measure parts of the human body. I do use a little bit of chemistry at work though!
      I think if I had to pick a favourite, it would still be physics because outside of work, I love learning about space!

    • Photo: Amal Lavender

      Amal Lavender answered on 18 Feb 2025:

      for me physics as i love understanding how things work and being able to see it.

    • Photo: Sandra Robertson

      Sandra Robertson answered on 27 Feb 2025:

      Chemistry was my favourite at school. I took Biology as an extra subject later in school, so actually left school having studied all 3 sciences. My current role requires a mix of all 3 of the sciences.

    • Photo: Richard Collins

      Richard Collins answered on 11 Mar 2025:

      Chemistry! It bridges the gap between physics and biology. Has pretty colours, less gooey things, and more time in a lab coat than physics.
