Question: What is the most exciting or unexpected discovery you’ve made in your field, and how did it challenge or change your understanding of the world?
During my undergraduate research project, I discovered just how complex taxonomy of some creatures can be to understand! It challenged how I view and understand science communication, particularly for those who have learning disabilities such as dyslexia. Ever since, I have made sure to take on science communication opportunities (like this one) to make sure I can make science as accessible as possible to as many people as possible!
I did my masters project with GlaxoSmithKline and I made a compound that was investigated for treating Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. That was amazing, but also challenging as this as medicinal chemistry and from the point of discovery it can be 10+ years until a drug goes to market and can cost billions of pounds. Realistically my compound won’t ever get to market as it probably won’t work in in vitro studies or it might have off target effects (i.e. side effects) which mean it gets retired. A lot of medicinal chemistry is just trying again and again and again until you have a better compound. Its difficult but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it because the one compound you don’t try could be the one that could be used a medicine. You need to be very resilient in medicinal chemistry.
My work tends to involve helping other people make their discoveries. Some of which involved finding better ways to package nuclear waste and finding more economical containers.
It helped me see how many people were actually involved and how much research goes into even the simplest of changes.
I suppose one of the most unexpected things I found was a case of transfusion-transmitted malaria. It’s very unusual as blood donors are screened before they donate and asked if they could have been anywhere where malaria is present. It’s possible that this donor didn’t know that they had malaria when they donated, and the parasite then infected another patient when they had the blood transfusion.