
Neil Guthrie
Hi everyone, this is my first time taking part in I'm a Scientist. Please feel free to ask me any questions and I will do my best to answer as well as I can. Thanks!
About Me:
Hi everyone! I’m Neil and I am 36 years old. I work as a technician in Sport, Exercise and Health Science, at Edinburgh Napier University. I love to play and watch football and spend time with my family. I have 2 daughters, one is almost 2 and one is almost 6.
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My name is Neil and I live in a small village called Kirknewton which is quite near Edinburgh. I live with my wife and 2 daughters.
I am a big football fan and my favourite team is Aberdeen. I am also a member of the Tartan Army and go to as many Scotland games as I can. I also love to play football and normally play 1 or 2 times per week. I enjoy running and cycling and when the weather is good, I take my daughters out on bike rides with me. We love exploring outside, and especially visiting the herd of Highland Cows which live close to my house.
I love Pizza and Pancakes. I make my own pizzas from scratch most weekends and cook them in my special pizza oven. Pineapple is a must on every pizza I eat! We have pancakes every Sunday morning – Biscoff Spread or Bacon and Maple Syrup are the usual toppings of choice!
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I work at Edinburgh Napier University as a Sport, Exercise and Health Science Technician and have done for over 7 years. I really enjoy my job, especially teaching the students how to use the various pieces of hi tech equipment.
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I am a Sport, Exercise and Health Science Technician. This means that I look after all of the equipment we have in our labs. This includes fixing it when it does not work properly and teaching the students how to use it properly.
We have a lot of very hi tech equipment which can be used for lots of different purposes. We can see how fast you can run, how high you can jump and how hard you can kick a ball. We can also watch the activity of your muscles as they move, measure how much oxygen you breath and see how much energy you are using during different activities.
Below is a picture of me in our Biomechanics Lab (about to kick a football into our full size football goals). Biomechanics is all about how your body moves.
We have 3 other big labs, all interconnected. There is a Research Lab, an Exercise Physiology Lab and a Sports Injuries Lab. Each one has different equipment which can be used for teaching the students about Sport, Exercise and Health Science.
My Typical Day:
The first thing I always do is check the calendar and see what is booked in for the day. There could be big practical classes on, or students coming in to work on their own projects. I have to make sure everyone has all the things they need and then, most importantly, make sure they know to use everything properly and safely. If there is nobody booked in, or if there is gaps that can be filled, I make sure the equipment is clean and working properly.
Some days we run tests for members of the public who want to find out how fit they are, or work out how hard the need to train to perform better in certain events. We also sometimes have athletes come in to the lab to use our Environmental Chamber, to prepare for an event which could be happening abroad, for example, running a marathon through a very (very) hot desert!
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830am – Pre work Coffee! Before we officially start work I normally grab a coffee and have a chat with the other Sport Science Technicians and sometimes some of the lecturers as well.
8:45am – Start Work! Check the calendar and check emails. Answer any emails (student enquiries etc.) that have come in overnight and set up any equipment needed for the morning.
9am – 12noon – This is when morning classes would run. We could have 2 or 3 classes going on at one time. I need to be on hand to help show the students how to use the equipment and also be ready to fix any issues if any equipment does not work properly. We could also have students in working on individual projects so I need to know what they are doing to be able to help them.
12noon – 1pm – Lunch! My favourite part of the day..! There is often classes or students in over lunch time so it can sometimes be a bit stop start. I bring my own, normally soup or a sandwich! We ALWAYS have a cup of tea after lunch. Sometimes with a cake or a biscuit.
1pm-5pm – The afternoon will normally be a continuation of the morning. Classes and individual student projects. When it gets closed to finishing time (5pm), I will check the calendar for the next day and see if there is anything I can prepare so that we get a head start in the morning.
All Day Tasks – Throughout the day I will make sure the labs and equipment are clean and tidy. I will check the emails regularly and answer any queries. We often have students popping in and out to ask questions and to book time in the lab as well.
Below are some pictures of the labs that I work in.
Image 1 – Exercise Physiology Lab (from the bottom)
Image 2 – Exercise Physiology Lab (from the top)
The Exercise Physiology Lab has lots of bikes, treadmills and rowing machines. There is also a room within this lab which is an “Enviromental Chamber.” In here we can change the conditions to be hot, cold or humid and we can also make it so it feels like you are up very high (by making the room have less oxygen like when someone is up a high mountain).
Image 3 – Sports Injuries Lab
In this lab there is bikes, ice baths and a very special rehab chair. It is called an “Isokinetic Dynamometer” !! Very big word. It can control how fast and how far you move different parts of your body and is therefore very good for recovering from injuries.
Image 4 – Biomechanics Lab
What I'd do with the prize money:
With the prize money I would invest in some small equipment that could be used for open days, science festivals and school visits.
Dean Park Primary School
Balerno High School
Edinburgh Napier University
Highers – Balerno High School
Geography- B, Modern Studies – B, English – C, Maths – C, Physics – C, PE – C
These helped me get into University to study Sport Science as I needed two B’s and 2 C’s.
Edinburgh Napier University – BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science (Sports Coaching)
Edinburgh Napier University – MSc Sport Performance Enhancement
Gaining an undergraduate and post graduate degree in Sport Science gave me the opportunity to get the job I currently do.
Work History:
Customer Service Assistant – Scotmid
Supervisor – Scotmid
Head Football Coach – St Peters Primary School
Activator Camp Assistant – Edinburgh Leisure
Head Football Coach – Camp Wah Nee (USA)
Lifeguard and Lifeguard Trainer Assessor – Glasgow Life
Current Job:
Sport, Exercise and Health Science Technician
Edinburgh Napier University
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Loud Football-Loving Technician
What did you want to be after you left school?
Anything to do with sport.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
I'm loving country music at the moment, probably Zach Bryan.
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Good Health and Happiness for everyone I love. That's all :-)
Tell us a joke.
What is a frogs favourite music? Hip Hoppy.