• Question: Is working in science fulfilling?

    Asked by emoore on 6 Nov 2024.
    • Photo: Emilia Arguello

      Emilia Arguello answered on 6 Nov 2024:

      Absolutely! You get to understand better how the world works, and in some career paths, even have a direct impact on ppl’s lives (e.g., drug development, climate science, biomedical research, policymaking).

    • Photo: Lisa Mullan

      Lisa Mullan answered on 3 Dec 2024:

      Any job is fulfilling if you are doing something you enjoy and it is appreciated by those you work for.

    • Photo: Pete Webb

      Pete Webb answered on 17 Dec 2024:

      Yes, always. The world needed oil and gas so I worked to fulfill that need, and enjoyed doing it. Now I work to promote renewable energy, and I enjoy doing that as well.

    • Photo: Emma Weir

      Emma Weir answered on 10 Mar 2025:

      Yes! Or I think so any way

      When you do an experiment or plan a project you’re trying to answer a question and it’s always satisfying to get a yes or no answer (even though this doesn’t happen all the time)

      And because the end goal is usually to help people, directly or indirectly, it’s a fulfilling outcome
