• Question: Is there other universes with life?

    Asked by crew520jeer on 20 Dec 2024. This question was also asked by wasp520muon, page520muon, have519doum, edge520eons, what492sup, mans520frat, raya520frat, fast520frat.
    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 20 Dec 2024:

      The existence of multi-universes has been discussed for a long time, scientists have even developed different classifications for the different types of universes that could be possible.
      If they do exist, then it is highly likely they have some form of life – though it may not be similar to the life we have in our universe. Some have even proposed the possibility that the laws of physics may differ between the different universes.

    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 13 Feb 2025:

      We only know about this universe as we can’t see other universes. But since the chemistry that gave rise to life here is pretty much the same anywhere in our universe then there is probably life elsewhere in our universe.
