• Question: have u ever seen a valcaino

    Asked by aced520cory to ruthmclauchlan, davecornwell, fisentzosfloras on 10 Mar 2025. This question was also asked by deed520tuft.
    • Photo: Ruth McLauchlan

      Ruth McLauchlan answered on 10 Mar 2025:

      Yes, when I was a teenager I visited Mount Vesuvius in Italy and walked up to the top and looked down into the crater. Thankfully it did not erupt but it is overdue and when it does could cause a lot of devastation.

    • Photo: Dave Cornwell

      Dave Cornwell answered on 11 Mar 2025:

      Yes, I have visited many volcanoes in Italy (Vesuvius), Indonesia (Ijen, Merapi), Tenerife (Teide) and more! There’s even part of an ancient extinct volcano in Edinburgh!!!
