• Question: Are any of you Marine Biologists??? im gonna be a marine biologist

    Asked by Maiiiii on 2 Oct 2024.
    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 2 Oct 2024:

      Sorry but no… Though I know that one of our first year Chemistry student did a Marine Biology degree long ago and has decided to now do Chemistry!

    • Photo: Amit Vernekar

      Amit Vernekar answered on 12 Oct 2024:

      No, I am not a marine biologist

    • Photo: Viviene Dela Cruz

      Viviene Dela Cruz answered on 10 Dec 2024:

      I’m not but you go pursue that marine biology dream!! Must be exciting! 🙂

    • Photo: Artemis Eales

      Artemis Eales answered on 16 Dec 2024:

      I’m a marine biologist! I work with green seaweed, and in the future I want to try working with red seaweeds or seagrass as well. It’s a really big field, with loads of different ways to work in the marine environment. You could be studying marine animals, or underwater volcanoes, or water currents – you can even work in the marine environment by making robots that survey the sea! It’s a big world, and I’m so glad you want to be a part of it!
