Questions with the keyword 'Earth'
What is the oldest plant in the world
by wake520tepa and 2 others.
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Did you know Earth used to have rings?
by menu520phew to Sheridan, Martin M, Chloe L
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how does the astroid crash to the earth
by hewn520yoga and 1 other.
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why is the earth round]
by MinaD to Vicky F, Rebekah T, minyap, Martin M, Ben D, Alessio S
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Do you think science can solve all of the world’s problems?
by Milana.R
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is it possible to findf a black hole on earth
by limonshneky and 1 other.
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can we bring a chunk of the moon back to earth????
by aced520murr to Vicky F, timothynixon, Tia F, Sophie S
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why do planets exist
by tree520murr
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If a volcano erupts how long does it take to dry out?
by ever520scut to timothynixon, Pete Webb, Liam H, Katherine, divyareshmithottungalravy, davecornwell, Catherine Mcquillan, Andrew Gartside
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if a astriod hit the earth would all humans become extinct
by yaps520scut
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