
Chigozie Onuba
About Me:
I live with my wife and two Sons In England. I am a Chartered Senior Biomedical Scientist and specialise in diagnostic haematology, coagulation and blood transfusion. I like listening to music, watching movies and football.
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I am a Senior Specialist Biomedical Scientist with Chartered Status in diagnostic haematology, coagulation and blood transfusion. I studied biomedical sciences in Uni and my postgraduate studies was in haematology and blood transfusion science. The best thing about my work is that I play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
I like listening to RnB music, watching family and action movies. My favourite football team is Liverpool FC.
My Work:
My work as a Biomedical Scientist involves diagnosis and treatment of a patient condition through analysis of body fluids and specimens. Monitoring the effectiveness of patients treatment as well as research work and academia.
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In Haematology: my work has to do with diagnosis of blood disorders such as Iron deficiency anaemia, haemoglobinopathies such as sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia, B12/folate deficiencies, leukaemia, malaria, microfilaria & trypanosomes.
In Coagulation, my work involves diagnosis of bleeding disorders as a result of abnormal functioning of the clotting factors, platelet disorders, factor deficiencies, Vitamin K deficiency, inhibitor and acquired haemophilia diagnosis.
In blood transfusion, my work involves carrying out group and screen to identify a patient’s ABO blood group and rhesus type and to detect expected or unexpected antibodies.
Further work I do in blood transfusion includes antibody identification and issuing antigen negative blood. Issuing of non-red cell products such as fresh frozen plasma, octaplas, cryoprecipitate and platelet for major haemorrhage. Other products I issue are Anti-D prophylactic for antennal patients and octuplex used to reverse the effect of warfarin (An anticoagulant).
I also carry out cross matching of red cells which is a compatibility testing used in ensuring that a donors red cell is compatible with the recipient.
My Typical Day:
I wake up, pray and I get ready for work and if I can, have some breakfast before heading to the hospital. If I am on a day shift, I start at 9am and take hand over from the night staff and start doing some diagnostic work including interpretation, clinical validation and authorisation of patients test results.
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I rotate through Haematology, Coagulation and BT, including specialist haematology and coagulation, so the structure of my day depends on which area I am working in. I also work a variety of shifts, including night shifts.
If I am on a day shift, the first thing I do in all the areas I cover is a handover with the Biomedical Scientist covering the night shift. In Coagulation, my duties include checking and monitoring the temperature in the fridges, quality controlling the machines, interpretation, technical validation and authorising results including investigation of abnormal results throughout the day. I check the machines before samples are loaded and make up reagents. I undertake technical problem solving such as equipment and quality control failure. I batch accepts reagents/Qc’s before use, takes part in audit and test samples for EQA(External quality assurance),
In Haematology, I phone results through to GPs and checks emails for the results of send-away tests. I add results manually to Apex and gets them second checked before authorising them. QC and machine maintenance is an important part of my role, as is loading the samples that come through from reception onto the analysers, for example the DXH900s, are used for full blood counts and the Retic; Alifax for ESR and both SMS and haematek for making blood films. While normal results are auto-validated, I have to check and investigate abnormal results and if I am not happy, I either request for a rerun of the test on remisol or check the sample manually and if necessary, rejects the sample and asks for a repeat sample if there is a clot or the sample is too short/diluted. In manual haematology, I prepare slides for films and carries out monospot tests and initial malaria diagnosis using both RDT cards and looking at thick and thin films.
In Blood Transfusion, I either work in the front or in cross-matching and grouping. When I am working at the front, I return blood products that haven’t been used to stock, issues anti-D prophylactic, albumin, Cryo, FFP and platelets for the week and checks the blood track for any alerts that needs resolving. In cross-match and grouping, I prepare manual QC and cross-match and records the results. I also check reagents, grouping and antibody screen cards and replaces if necessary. I interpret and authorise results as well as investigating abnormal ones and sends some samples to NHSBT if they need further investigation such as for anti- D or C quantitation or anti-E titration. I prepare cross-match QC and cross-matches red cells to ensure that the donors red cells are compatible with the recipient before the blood is transfused into a patient.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I will use the prize money to carry out more STEM activities across schools in London including purchasing materials for various STEM practical activities students can perform.
I attended Middlesex University were I did my in Biomedical Science and in Diagnostic haematology and blood transfusion.
My qualifications includes, O-level, A-levels, B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc, CSci, MIBMS, IOSH.
Work History:
I have always worked in the health service such as in clinical commissioning group(CCG’s) and currently in pathology.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
I Love Biomedical Science and being a Scientist
What did you want to be after you left school?
A Doctor/Scientist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Good health, long life and bigger family