• Question: What is forensic science about

    Asked by true520suer on 4 Oct 2024.
    • Photo: Michael Schubert

      Michael Schubert answered on 4 Oct 2024:

      Forensics is about using science to make sure that laws are followed and upheld. Sometimes, this is about solving crimes, but forensic scientists are involved in other work as well.

      Forensic science isn’t just one kind of science – it uses all of the different kinds of science in various ways! If you like physics, you might study ballistics (the study of firearms and bullets), blood spatters, or even analyze car accidents. If you like chemistry, you might be good at toxicology (studying drugs and poisons) or soil science. If you like biology, you might go into pathology (and do medical diagnoses and autopsies), genetics, or even botany or entomology (studying plants or insects at crime scenes). There’s a place for every science in forensics!
