
Emma Singleton
About Me:
I come from Buckinghamshire where I live with my husband and 5 year old. I am an engineering geologist for my job. My favourite things are going to gigs, baking, getting outdoors to take photographs, travel and coffee. I also love to potter around in my allotment, when I have time.
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I am lucky to live close to the River Thames so I can easily get out of the house for a nice walk in the countryside when I feel the need. My office is in London but I also work from home, which is really helpful for the school run! I chose a career in geology based on the fact that I love being outdoors, and the job involves being outside a lot, especially when you are a graduate. Being stood on site on a cold wet day can be a bit draining, but conversely a lovely sunny day on site is brilliant! I also love to travel and experience new places and cultures: I’ve done a fair bit of travel over the years with friends and family, but I have also been lucky enough to work in some exotic places.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I am an engineering geologist working for an environmental consultancy. My clients are often property developers and I help them to understand how they can build on their sites.
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My clients need to understand the ground that they want to build on. Is it suitable for the building they want to construct? What foundations will they need to install? Is it contaminated from historical use and will they have to clean it up before they start to build? I organise an investigation of their site, which includes excavating trial pits and drilling boreholes to help them understand the ground what they might need to do to be able to construct a building on it. And, of course how much it will cost them to build!
My Typical Day:
My working day starts at 8.30am. I manage a team of engineering geologists and environmental scientists who are usually out on site, supervising a site investigation of the ground, or carrying out monitoring of groundwater. My day is spent helping them out with any issues they have on site, liaising with clients to give project updates, preparing quotes for new projects and writing or reviewing reports on the results of the site investigation work we have completed to give to a client.
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I wake up and get my son ready for school, and we have breakfast together. After school drop off I will grab a coffee and then head home or to my office in London to start my day. I log onto my computer and check all my messages, dealing with any urgent issues first. A lot of my team may be out on site, supervising ground investigations, and will need help to organise equipment, drillers, or they might have encountered some horrible oily soil on site and want to know what to do about it. I will then contact clients to keep them updated on how our site works are going. After lunch, I will probably prepare some quotes for new projects, and talk to my team about managing upcoming work. Often I will be reviewing results from previous site investigation works and writing reports to send to my clients. Work finishes at 5pm, and my evening will be spent playing or reading with my son, making dinner and doing some exercise.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would buy a set of amazing rock and soil samples for local STEM Ambassadors who are interested in geology, such as myself, to be able to use when doing presentations to school groups.
Primary School: Courthouse Junior School
Secondary School: Newlands Girls School
6th Form College: The Henley College
University (BSc): Royal Holloway, University of London
University (MSc): Imperial College, University of London
GSCEs: Maths, English Language, English Lit, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Geography, French, German, Spanish, Geology
A-Levels: Geology, French, English Lit, Physics
BSc (Hons): Environmental Geology
MSc: Engineering Geology
Professional qualification: Chartered Geologist
Work History:
1993-1994 Sales assistant, Clarks shoes (Saturday job)
1995-1998 Sales assistant, Goldsmiths jewellers (Part time during studies)
1998-1999 Waitress, Cafe Rouge (Part time during studies)
2001 – 2020 – Wardell Armstrong Environmental Consultants. Graduate to Associate Director. Various roles in the company over the years, including secondments to clients (developers), and working in the mining sector and well as UK property sector.
Current Job:
2021 – to present: Associate (Engineering Geologist)
Delta-Simons Environmental Consultants
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
I wanted to do something in developing countries, such as helping people who live in areas affected by natural disasters.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really, I was quite good. When I went to 6th Form College I got in trouble for not going to all my classes, which I soon put a stop to!
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I think I would like to be a teacher. Or a volcanologist!
Who is your favourite singer or band?
The 1975 (at the moment)
What's your favourite food?
I love all food! I do have a special love of good mexican food though.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
For my Dad to have been able to meet my son (he died just before my son was born). To have another house on the beach in a hot country. To be 10 years younger!
Tell us a joke.
My son's favourite joke (tip you need to say it out loud): Knock, knock. Who's there? Dunnap. Dunnap who? hahaha