
Mei-Li Holmberg
About Me:
I’m currently based in Geneva as a particle physicist at CERN. Whenever I have spare time and not feeling lazy, I will go out for a hike, ski, or ride my bike. When I do feel lazy, I sit at home and knit. Sometimes I play the guitar very badly too.
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I work for University of Bristol as a Postdoctoral Researcher in particle physics but I live in Geneva Switzerland since my work is at CERN. My work is very technical and always indoors, so on my spare time I prefer to be in nature whenever the weather is good. Geneva is right in the middle of several mountains, so it’s very easy to head outside for an adventure! When the weather is bad, or I’m feeling lazy, I enjoy knitting, baking, and tending my balcony garden where I’m growing fruit and vegetables. You don’t need a full garden to grow your own food!
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I’m a particle physicist at CERN, and I am writing code to track particles in the CMS detector. Sometimes I also sit in a lab testing electronics, or look through CMS data to find some new exciting particles.
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Every 25 nanoseconds, the LHC will smash particles together to create new particles. We are not able to save the data from every single collision inside the CMS detector. Instead, we have a trigger system that picks only the most interesting events to save. One of the many inputs to the trigger is particle tracks. From the tracks, you are able to determine where the collisions happened and how much energy the new particles have. I am working on an algorithm that takes raw data and finds these tracks inside the CMS sub-detector called “Tracker”.
Sometimes I also work in the lab testing super fast electronics that send data through optical cables. There is a lot of data that has to be sent from the CMS detector to the systems that process the collision events. We need to make sure that the data is not lost or changed when we send it between systems. By testing the electronics and optical parts, we can find the best settings to avoid any loss of data.
There are many searches for new particles using the data from CMS. There are different theories that predict different particles. I am trying to find proof of a theory called “Supersymmetry”. Supersymmetry says that every particle that we have already found should have a partner particle. We have not found any partner particles yet, but maybe soon…
My Typical Day:
I wake up relatively late and have breakfast (porridge and a matcha latte). If it’s nice weather, I will go outside to exercise. Then I’ll do a little work at home, before heading in to CERN to have lunch with my friends. In the afternoon, I work from my office or in the lab when needed before I go home to make dinner.
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I’m not very productive in the morning. I wake up quite late (between 8 and 9), and I like to relax, have a slow breakfast, and focus on my well-being. I usually eat porridge for breakfast, but if there is leftover cake from a previous baking session, I might have that instead… I also try to do some kind of exercise in the morning, as I know that I will be too tired to do it after work. If there is still time before lunch, I will start working from home, before cycling over to CERN to have lunch with friends and colleagues. Much of my work can be done from home as there is a lot of programming involved, but in the office I have a proper desk setup with big screens etc. so I prefer to work from the office in the afternoon. Also, sometimes I need to be in the lab and connect various cables. Whenever I start to feel hungry, I cycle back home and have dinner. Depending on how much I managed to accomplish in the morning, I might or might not continue to work for an hour or two after dinner.
What I'd do with the prize money:
Good question… it’ll have to be a surprise for now 😉
- Rymdgymnasiet (swedish for “space school”), Kiruna Sweden.
- Engineering Physics (BSc and MSc), Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
- Particle Physics PhD, University of Bristol and RAL, UK.
- Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Bristol, UK.
- BSc
- MSc
- PhD
Work History:
- Programming teacher for a non-profit organisation during some weekends during my studies in Stockholm.
- Continued teaching programming for second and third year university students during my PhD.
Current Job:
Postdoctoral Researcher in particle physics.
University of Bristol.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Happily confused researcher :-)
What did you want to be after you left school?
I had no idea... and I still don't!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Carpenter, baker, gardener, or software engineer?
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Oceansize (the most underrated band on planet earth)
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I wish both my feet were the same size. I wish I did not need to sleep. I wish I found sports I liked before turning 25 (now I'm so incredibly unfit...).
Tell us a joke.
What’s the best thing about Switzerland? I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.