• Question: who is your idol

    Asked by such520rhos on 20 Jan 2025.
    • Photo: Camilla Cassidy

      Camilla Cassidy answered on 20 Jan 2025:

      I always liked Adam Savage, one of the presents of the TV show Mythbusters. It is a show where they try and prove or disprove common myths or urban legends, and it taught me how fun ‘testing’ things can be – how science can help us learn about the world!

    • Photo: Carly Bingham

      Carly Bingham answered on 20 Jan 2025:

      I always say Marie Curie for my science idol – she is still the only person to have won two Nobel prizes in different sciences and was a pioneer of radioactivity!
      For science communication – I love Simon Singh’s books on science and maths – The Code Book is a particular favourite of mine!
