Whats your favourite plant?
by cast520paps and 3 others. to DrBecks, rachaelegg, Liz, gwendolynkirschner
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What is your favourite part about science?
by wage520paps and 2 others. to rachaelegg, Lauren G, veronicapapini
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Do you like your job?
by yerk520putt and 24 others.
Comments: (so far, 4s comments )
What will you do with your prize money?
by yerk520putt and 1 other.
Comments: (so far, 3s comments )
How are you going to find a cure for cancer?
by just520roan and 2 others.
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Is it fun being a scientist?
by Cats2000 and 10 others.
Comments: (so far, 2s comments )
What has been your most intresting experience when being a scientist?
by Shetland24 and 1 other.
Comments: (so far, 5s comments )
Recent Comments
What are your favourite plants? Mine is roses. (1 comment)
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