Did you enjoy science in primary school?
by deed520jeer and 1 other.
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why do you want to solve cancer
by chat519sops to Tim H, michaeltaylor, Michael S, Lisa R, Giulia, Blair, Benjamin, Adriana F
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if you drank venom would it have the same effect as being bitten or stabbed
by have519doum to Sujit B, Michael S, Ester, elaineho
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Describe your job in 3 words
by cast520kops to sophiep, Michael C, Gemma C, Gabrielle (she/her), elaineho, audreyanna, Alice, Adriana F
Comments: (so far, 2s comments )
can humans live forever if they get freezed
by send520gama and 2 others.
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What do you think is the best time schedule for studying science in school for tests every day?
by hear520kops to sophiep, michellehawkins, Michael C, Gemma C, Gabrielle (she/her), elaineho
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Did you ever discovered a new form of life, for example : new bacteria, virus or cell ?
by s24daabr
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What was the hardest part of your undergraduate degree?
by ErinB to Tim H, Becca, priscillatng, parwinderhothi, martaoliveira, kirstenhawkins, Jessica M, Erica O, Emma, Alice
Comments: (so far, 3s comments )
What skills or traits do you think are most important for aspiring scientists?
by roci ୨୧
Comments: (so far, 3s comments )
What got you into the job?
by nest520demo and 4 others.
Comments: (So far, one comment )
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