
Agnes Wojtusiak
LASER Scientist
About Me:
Student, scientist and D&D player.
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I think some people might call me a nerd… But I’m actually really cool – I mean, my Dungeons and Dragons character is totally awesome and I only read very good books! Science is just a thing I do on the side, really… Oh and I love Dr Who and Marvel.
Okaaay, maybe I am a little bit of a nerd, but there are so many wonderful things out in the world and life is too short to worry about what people might think of you. There are countless other things that I could talk about (animals, travel, cheese) but I won’t bore you with those, because it’s now your turn to ask questions! Looking forward to our chats 🙂
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After 3 years of studying Physics (most people take a step back at this point) and Maths (by now they’re on the other side of the room) I took a year out to try working as a scientist (they’ve completely left now). It’s fun, I swear!
Everything in this photo makes up the laser!
In all seriousness, my current job is quite exciting and varied – I’m working on a cutting-edge super-powerful laser, which is the size of a classroom (see photo). That involves doing all kinds of experiments with the laser in a lab as well as on computers by creating models. Recently, I even went on a conference to Prague and met some world-leading scientists – I am on my way to becoming one of them!
My Typical Day:
Tea, panic, solve problems.
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I do like to start my working day with a cup of tea at my desk, while I check my emails and calendar… and I hear about something that’s gone WRONG with the laser*. Solving it usually involves going down to the lab, following the laser beam to find the source of the problem… Which is difficult when your laser is infra-red – INVISIBLE to the human eye! There’s a coffee and lunch break, sometimes some meetings, but at the end of the day, one way or another we fix the problem.
All geared up and working on the laser!
In between all that, I work on my own projects, using computers and programming to model systems and trying to create glass that mimics (copies) a moth’s eye to stop too much light being reflected. Each day is filled with different things, such as interesting talks on all the science that happens around me. By the time I get home, I’m excited to come back to work, but I still have time to watch Netflix, play Minecraft and go on walks.
*Note: things don’t go wrong every day, many days we work on improving what is already there… I just wanted to let you know that it’s okay when things go wrong, as long as you work to fix them!
What I'd do with the prize money:
Primary school in a small village in Poland; then Secondary School (GCSEs and A-levels) at St Edmund’s Catholic School in Wolverhampton (England); Physics and Maths degree at Loughborough University (ongoing)
GCSEs, A-levels, and 2 years left until completing my Master’s degree in Physics and Maths
Work History:
Absolute Interpreting and Translating Ltd (Polish Interpreter); Faccenda Foods (Production Operative); Loughborough University (Student Ambassador)
Current Job:
Laser Scientist (Student)
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Nerdy and Proud ;)
What did you want to be after you left school?
Better question: what DIDN'T I want to be?! From being a vet to joining the Navy - I kept on changing my mind throughout my entire life... I sort of really liked everything so I became a physicist, because physics has links to everything!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Once... for reading Harry Potter in class ^_^
Who is your favourite singer or band?
This changes a lot... I'm quite a changeable person, I guess! (at the moment it's "Halestorm")
What's your favourite food?
Pierogi - of all flavours!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1. Do world-changing science | 2. Global warming remains below 1.5 degrees | 3. People listen to scientists!
Tell us a joke.
A photon checks into a hotel and is asked if he needs any help with his luggage. He replied: "No, I'm travelling light."