• Question: what is next for trying to save the inviorment

    Asked by puma520kaes on 20 Mar 2025.
    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 20 Mar 2025:

      There is no next… the most important problem facing us environmentally is global warming. If we don’t fix that there is no next at all!

    • Photo: Daniel Friedrich

      Daniel Friedrich answered on 21 Mar 2025:

      We really need to get everyone on board to drive political change. While each of us can make changes, we need societal change to achieve the big reduction in CO2 emissions needed.

    • Photo: Pete Webb

      Pete Webb answered on 24 Mar 2025:

      The “next” is what we should be doing now: all nations should be heeding the warning and should be reducing consumption and burning energy needlessly.

    • Photo: Sophie Pain

      Sophie Pain answered on 28 Mar 2025:

      There’s so much really great work being done on renewable sources of energy, which should help us reduce our CO2 emissions and meet net zero. One thing I think we need to bear in mind is, when we are designing tools or devices to harness that renewable energy, how can we design them in the most environmentally friendly and sustainable way? Are we getting the materials from the right place? What do we do with the tools/devices once they reach the end of their life?
