• Question: what do you do in your free time in a lab for example.

    Asked by bank520hued on 6 Mar 2025.
    • Photo: Elin Smith

      Elin Smith answered on 6 Mar 2025:

      I don’t really have ‘free time’ in the lab, if I am in the lab it is because I have an experiment to do or I am preparing for my next experiment – lab work is very hands on and busy!
      A lot of my experiments run over 12-24 hours so I have a big gap of ‘free time’ then. If I don’t have other work to do or meetings to attend I will grab a coffee and chat to my friends and colleagues. Sometimes in these ‘free-time’ periods I will be in chats on here talking to students about science, and other times I will go for a walk or a run before I need to come back and finish my lab work.
