• Question: Is the universe truly infinite

    Asked by emoore on 3 Dec 2024. This question was also asked by page520muon, murr520sync.
    • Photo: Lisa Mullan

      Lisa Mullan answered on 3 Dec 2024:

      Noone knows but they do keep finding more and more of it. At some point we might have to develop different instruments to allow us to measure larger spaces.

    • Photo: Pete Webb

      Pete Webb answered on 17 Dec 2024:

      We simply don’t know, and we might never know. We could never say that we have reached the edge – how would you know that it is the edge?

    • Photo: Emma Weir

      Emma Weir answered on 10 Mar 2025:

      As a biologist, I have no idea.

      It’s something I try not to think too hard about 😂
