Question: If you had a chance to go back and change your line of work, would you or would you stay and why?
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Asked by knew520unco on 21 Jan 2025. This question was also asked by rest520ruck.Question: If you had a chance to go back and change your line of work, would you or would you stay and why?
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giorgiaperri commented on :
Oh that’s a good question! I do like my current work, but I am also interested in other routes and careers. I’m really interested in physiology and would consider being a physiotherapist, or a dietician. I also really enjoy Exercise Science so may have done this as an undergraduate degree, but I loved studying Zoology too!
Tina-Jaine H commented on :
No. I’m very glad I found the career I have.
The only thing I would change is that while I was a student, my understanding of what engineering jobs were like was incorrect, and that meant it took me longer to find what I wanted to do. I thought all engineers worked in dirty workshops or building sites doing manual tasks and wore boiler suits. My views came from stereotypes and TV, and they were wrong. So that’s why I’m here trying to help young people have a better understanding of the world of work.
Laura commented on :
This is an interesting question – I’m very happy with where I’m at in my career as the area of science I work in is constantly changing, so there’s a lot of room to grow alongside it. At the same time, I do often wonder what life would be like if I’d gone down the path of being an astrophysicist, or a zoologist, or a computer scientist… but then again, nothing is set in stone and it is always possible to change careers and try something new!
christinaschoettler commented on :
I actually did exactly that (not going back though…) After realising, I didn’t like my first career choice and the job that resulted from that, I changed careers and am now much happier in my new chosen job as a researcher.