• Question: How did we form into humans

    Asked by kune520yoga on 21 Mar 2025. This question was also asked by hear520yoga.
    • Photo: Zoe Vance

      Zoe Vance answered on 21 Mar 2025:

      The short answer is that we formed into humans through millions of years of evolution. Many, many generations of living things where individuals were slightly different to each other and the ones best suited to their environment survived and had children more often. Eventually over time you see a population that just all look like those individuals.

      The reasons *why* any living things evolve in a particular direction are complicated, so it would be hard to trace back what caused everything that we’d call human to evolve (although there are ideas about say, why we have less hair than other apes or why we walk on two feet). But basically we’re the product of an awful lot of ancestors who did slightly better than those around them.

    • Photo: Graeme Dykes

      Graeme Dykes answered on 24 Mar 2025:

      It’s a very long process! What do we mean by human? Where do we draw the line?
      It is broadly accepted that evolutions drives the development of species. Random genetic changes are occurring with each new generation. This leads to small changes in form and or function. Those which provide a slightly better advantage for the organism as a whole, get passed along to subsequent offspring. These changes accumulate and species diverge. Part of this is due to interaction with the environment. A single species in a given environment may split when two independent genetic changes occur and neither change is better than the other. Over time the difference become more pronounced. That may explain why apes and humans had a common ancestor but both continue to exist today .
