• Question: hello! I see that you work with seeweed called ulva. what kind of adaptations does this have?

    Asked by area520agee to artemiseales on 16 Dec 2024.
    • Photo: Artemis Eales

      Artemis Eales answered on 16 Dec 2024:

      Great question, thank you for reading my profile! Ulva are a group of green seaweeds known for being opportunistic – this means that they will take any opportunity to grow, to attach to rocks and structures. I’m currently studying how they take up nutrients in the water. In particular, I am interested in nutrients that are nitrogen based (nitrogen is an element on the periodic table). Hopefully this will tell me about how Ulva seaweeds are adapted to grow so quickly – they can grow to the point of harming other sea life such as corals, so understanding their growth is really important!
