• Question: Can artificial intelligence be dangerous?

    Asked by free520keto on 18 Oct 2024. This question was also asked by push519doum, them519doum.
    • Photo: Tim Chapman

      Tim Chapman answered on 18 Oct 2024:

      At the moment probably not, but AI models are learning at such a rate that unless we get control of the development and advancements of AI then we could be in a position where it could do things much quicker than a team of people and this could be for good or bad!

    • Photo: Mark Basham

      Mark Basham answered on 28 Oct 2024:

      I think it can be, but not directly. AI can do a very good job of making things that arn’t true seem like they might be true. So id say its not the AI which is dangerous, but the way people use it could be.

    • Photo: John Easton

      John Easton answered on 11 Nov 2024:

      I don’t think AI in itself is dangerous as long as the limitations on what it can do are understood. AI can give you “good” answers as well as “bad” ones and this is all down to how much care and effort has been put into training the models. If you train the model badly then it will give bad answers (or answers that are less good than they could be). If you train a model to do bad things then bad things may well happen if people follow the answers it gives blindly and without questioning them. So it’s not necessarily that AI is bad, but rather people either may be training it badly or training it to do bad things :-(. I think it’s important to know that AI has limits and to always question the answers that it gives you. Don’t take the answer at face value without questioning whether it sounds reasonable or not.

    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 12 Dec 2024:

      The AI itself wouldn’t be dangerous but people with bad intentions can use it to do dangerous things. Like spreading the wrong information or creating fake images.
      Even if people don’t have bad intentions, if they rely on AI to do work that’s it’s not trained to do like program a safety system without checking the work – putting too much trust in an AI can have dangerous consequences.
