Many important medicines have been developed from plants. one very common is morphine which a very powerful pain reliever and it is extracted from opium poppy
Vincristine is a drug used for treating certain types of cancer in dogs – it originates from the periwinkle plant. Like some other drugs used to treat cancer (in humans and other animals) it has some side effects which mean that it needs to be handled very carefully when it is being given to the patient and the side effects need to be monitored during the time when the dog is being treated.
melissaupjohn commented on :
Vincristine is a drug used for treating certain types of cancer in dogs – it originates from the periwinkle plant. Like some other drugs used to treat cancer (in humans and other animals) it has some side effects which mean that it needs to be handled very carefully when it is being given to the patient and the side effects need to be monitored during the time when the dog is being treated.