Questions with the keyword 'work'
Do you remember Dr McCarroll who you used to work with, shes my geography teacher this year
by knew520unco to Liam H
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What is one of the most challenging aspects of working in biopharmaceutical industry, especially when it comes to
by MufaroN to paulterrill, Nick L, kathrynhowells, Katharine G, Fiona B, allysonmcintyre
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If you had a chance to go back and change your line of work, would you or would you stay and why?
by knew520unco and 1 other.
Comments: (so far, 3s comments )
what is intresting about your job?
by agee520braw and 4 others.
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Throughout your years as a geophysicist, what is the best experience youve ever had?
by hear520stag to timothynixon, Pete Webb, Liam H, davecornwell
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How has this line of work impacted your view on the world and humans?
by knew520unco
Comments: (So far, one comment )
What are some of the biggest challenges you face in managing the Inorganic Chemistry department, especially with such a
by MufaroN to Lauren G
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do you like the laboratories that you work in and why
by page520muon
Comments: (So far, one comment )
Describe your job in 3 words
by cast520kops to sophiep, Michael C, Gemma C, Gabrielle (she/her), elaineho, audreyanna, Alice, Adriana F
Comments: (so far, 2s comments )
how long are your hours?
by puma520wary and 1 other. to Martin M, Louisse M
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Recent Comments
How does the sun heat up our planet when it is so far away? (1 comment)
why do some animals have sharp teeth (1 comment)
Hello. What is the biggest mistake you made either while studying or at your job, and what advice would you give (2 comments)
Do you enjoy looking after animals (1 comment)
what is bacteria accutally are? (1 comment)