
Reed Ozretich
About Me:
I’m a New Scot, formerly from Oregon, living in the Central Belt between Glasgow and Edinburgh. I love to read (ironic I know), enjoy sci-fi movies, woodworking, and getting outdoors whenever possible!
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Raising young kids doesn’t give a whole bunch of time to pursue hobbies and itnerests, but right now I’m really enjoying my work and finishing up my PhD in sustainable aquaculture. Ask me about fish farming! DON’T ask me about salmon farming!
My pronouns are:
He / him
My Work:
Researcher, trainer, project manager, and technical writer within the ecological and aquaculture sectors, with specialized knowledge regarding geospatial and hydrodynamic modelling, technical writing, and team management.
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My Typical Day:
Wake up, make breakfast for the kids, stretch, get everyone dressed, then walk the dogs. When I get back I go into my office and start work, breaking for exercise ( I’m lucky to have a gym next door!) and coffee / bananas (Bananas are key. Best snack / meal I’ve found, especially when I’m travelling in places where you cannot trust the food to be properly cooked). Then I stop work, play with my kids while my partner cooks supper, eat, powernap, walks the dogs, get everyone to bed, do dishes, walk dogs again, then relax 🙂
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would use the money to organise and run a STEM camp in collaboration with my OYCI chapter here in Tillicoultry, to help engage local youths in science and maths in a way that is engaging (i.e. probably explosive and / or messy). I would invite our local councillors and MP to attend, and attempt to secure sponsorship / funding for it to be an annual event.
Corvallis High School 2003
University of Oregon 2003 – 2005
University of Hawai’i at Manoa 2005 – 2006
Oregon State University 2006 – 2009 BSc. Coastal ecology (minor Zoology)
University of Stirling 2018 – 2019 MSc. Sustainable Aquaculture
University of Stirling 2020 – present (part-time) PhD candidate.
BSc. Oregon State University in Coastal ecology (minor Zoology)
MSc. University of Stirling in Sustainable Aquaculture
PhD. candidate (1/2 time) University of Stirling in Sustainable Aquaculture
Work History:
1997 – 2000 pet sitter, gardener, fast food, odd jobs
2001 Apprenticeship in Science and Engineering – Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon (organic chemistry)
2002 Apprenticeship in Science and Engineering – US EPA Newport, Oregon (coastal ecology)
2003 landscaper, self-employed.
2004, 2005 summer intern, OSU, various laboratories
2007 – 2008 Research assistant / boat technician for PISCO, Oregon State University
2009 Fishing observer, ODFW Newport branch
2009 – 2012 technical writer ad content developer, Hewlett – Packard Corvallis campus.
Current Job:
Director, ROConsulting Ltd. (2023 – present)
Risk and Sustainability Associate, Longline Environment Ltd. (2023 – present)
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
a tropical marine biologist!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
not really...I did get detention for returning an overdue library book once...
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I would be a permaculture farmer of various fruits. I love fruit!
Who is your favourite singer or band?
These days? Anything Scottish trad to be honest!
What's your favourite food?
Fruit, the stranger the better...
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I wish for more sleep, for more time spent with friends, and for a DJI Avata 2 FPV drone. Sweeeeet.
Tell us a joke.
What is a fish’s favourite subject at “school”? Algae-bra