
Paul Wiggins
About Me:
I live near Durham with my wife and two kids. I am an analytical chemist working near Middlesbrough. I love reading fantasy books and playing table tennis, and I am a member of my local church.
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I grew up in Sussex and went to Uni in Durham (2005-2009) and have stayed in Durham ever since. As long as I can remember I have enjoyed science, and particularly chemistry, so choosing my A-Levels and degree felt straightforward. I used to play a lot of football, but injuries (and lack of fitness!) mean I now only have kick-abouts with my son. I play in a local table tennis league, and really enjoy the social side of playing table tennis and hanging out with my team mates. My time that is not taken up with family life and church, I fill with reading looooong fantasy books! (Steven Erikson, Brandon Sanderson, George R R Martin, Robin Hobb, Raymond Feist, and many other authors).
My Work:
I am an analytical chemist for a catalyst company. I test catalyst materials for their elemental composition.
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Catalysts are chemicals that make reactions happen more easily (“lower the activation barrier”). This sounds like a boring chemistry thing, but catalysts are used to make all sorts of useful chemicals. They can be used in energy (oil and gas), chemicals (making ‘building blocks’ for more complex chemicals), transport (like the catalytic convertor in cars), and lots of other industries.
I work in a Research and Development (‘R&D’) group, so I get sent new types of catalysts to analyse, materials that have been tested, and some that have been on chemical plants and may have failed. My specialist area is ‘elemental analysis’ which means I can tell my colleagues how much of certain elements are present in their samples. I mainly deal with ‘bad’ elements (carbon, sulphur, chlorine, mercury, nitrogen) – to either check they aren’t present, or if they are, how much is there.
My Typical Day:
My day starts by sorting out breakfast for my family, then going to work, about 45mins away. The main activities I do at work are analysing samples, reporting results and doing development of new methods, so my days can look quite different depending on which activity I am doing.
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Analysing samples means preparing the samples I receive to be analysed by an instrument. Most elemental instruments have auto-samplers, so I can prepare lots of samples, click ‘run’ and come back later for the results! I tend to focus on combustion instruments, which burn the sample in oxygen and then analyse the gases that come off.
Reporting results involves taking all the raw data from the instrument and turning it into something that makes sense for my colleagues. For routine analysis we report the element (carbon, sulphur, chlorine, mercury, nitrogen) and the amount (weight percent [wt-%] or parts-per-million [ppm]). Sometimes I have a larger project with lots of runs and results, so I will plot graphs, calculate statistics and write a report of what I have found.
Developing new methods is the really fun part of my job. A colleague will come to me with a problem or question, and I will try to help them answer it. This might mean testing a new type of material, or using the analytical instruments in a new way. This usually involves lots of conversations with my colleagues to understand their samples, and exactly what information they want, and then lots of time analysing the samples to understand if the new method is working properly and gives the information they want. This is really collaborative and enjoyable work.
I went to a tiny village primary school of 60 pupils, then went to grammar school. I took Chemistry, Physics and Maths A-Levels and the did a Chemistry degree at Durham University.
GCSEs: 3A*s, 6As, B
A-Levels: 3As
Degree: 2:1 Master of Chemistry
Work History:
Researcher at Tata Steel (which became the Materials Processing Institute)
Analytical Chemist at Akzo Nobel (paint and coatings company)
Analytical Chemist at a Johnson Matthey (which became EV Metals) testing cathode material for lithium-ion batteries
Current Job:
Analytical Chemist at a catalyst company
Johnson Matthey
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Book-loving chemistry geek
What did you want to be after you left school?
A chemist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not often, but I felt really bad when I had done something wrong.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
When I was little I wanted to be a fighter pilot.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Dream Theater
What's your favourite food?
Chinese takeaway - it is delicious and reminds me of coming back from holiday when we can't be bothered to cook!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To be a better husband, a better dad and to have more time for reading
Tell us a joke.
I would tell you a Chemistry joke, but all the good ones argon.