
Maria Price
About Me:
I am a Final Year PhD student. I currently live in the centre of Birmingham and so spend a lot of my free time walking along the canals in Birmingham or travelling to new cities in the UK and Europe ✈.
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I’m a 2nd Year PhD student in Biomedical Science at the University of Birmingham. I currently live in the centre of Birmingham with a friend from undergrad and spend a lot of my time enjoying the different events in the centre and walking round the canals.
When I can, I travel to different cities in the UK and Europe, usually making use of whatever cheap flights Ryanair has available ✈.
I love football, watching any rom-com film and photography 📸.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I’m a PhD student and my work is looking at receptors that exist on bone cells to allow them to signal in the body, and how to help people who break their bones a lot.
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My work is based around a type of receptors, called G protein-coupled receptors. Receptors are units that exist on the outside/membrane of cells in the body, and allow them to signal between each other and other cells, and trigger responses to signals. G protein-coupled receptors are hugely important in the body and currently approximately 40% of medications available for different diseases target these receptors.
I am specifically interested in these receptors in bones, and what happens when people get weak bones and osteoporosis.
My Typical Day:
My typical day starts with the gym in the morning, and then getting into work at about 9am. is mostly lab based, with 60-70% of time spent in the lab and 30-40% in the office. During the day, I typically have lunch around 12 pm with other lab members, then finish up anywhere from 4-6pm, depending on how much I have to do.
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Most of my time is spent in the lab, performing experiments, with the rest of the time in the office, either analysing the data I have collected and writing up everything I have done, reading some papers for some background information or planning experiments for the next day or in the future.
I have multiple projects running at the same time, so have different things that I do in the lab everyday, with all projects crossing over.
Every Monday, I have a lab meeting with my supervisor and other lab members to discuss what work has been completed and future plans. There is also seminars every other week, which are gathering of scientists in the same field to listen to another scientist present their work.
What I'd do with the prize money:
If I won the prize money, I would speak to students and teachers in local schools to understand what sort of activities they would find most useful. I would look at targeting students ages 12-13, before any path is chosen and GCSE’s are selected, to help explain to students what opportunities are available in the scientific community and how to access these.
Secondary School: Bishop Ullathorne Catholic School, Coventry
Sixth Form: Heart of England School, Coventry
Undergraduate: University of Birmingham
PhD: University of Birmingham (current)
- Maths – A*
- History – A*
- Chemistry – A*
- Physics – A*
- Biology – A
- English Language – A
- RE – A
- French – A
- English Literature – B
- Music – B
- Maths (AS) – C
- Biology – B
- Chemistry – B
- Physics – C
(Got an unconditional offer for university)
MSci Biochemistry with Professional Placement – First Class with Honours
Work History:
2015-2017 – Mount Nod Pharmacy
2018-current – Uniform Fitting Service in the public sector
2019-2020 – Stonegate Pub Company
2019-2020 – Placement Year at Future Genetics
2022 – Placement at KMEB in Odense, Denmark
University of Birmingham
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
quiet biomedical researcher
What did you want to be after you left school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
maybe a Pharmacist
Who is your favourite singer or band?
George Ezra
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Be able to speak any language in the world, unlimited money (obvs), world peace
Tell us a joke.
My friend told me to stop acting like a flamingo, so I had to put my foot down.