
Lydia Eeles
About Me:
Recently, my husband and I have moved to Philippines to help improve the sustainability and self-sufficiency of various projects out here. We are both studying for a Permaculture Design Certificate whilst we are here.
I love being outside, doing yoga and aerial circus style arts, baking and making things, and learning Spanish. -
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Over the years I have tried various aerial arts, including pole dancing, silks, trapeze, rope, rings, lollipop, lyra/hoop. I love it all! If I can be upside-down, then I am happy! Most recently I was doing aerial hoop regularly, although, unfortunately there is not somewhere that I can do that whilst I am here in the Philippines.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
My current role is to help existing and completely new building projects to improve their sustainability and self-sufficiency, using permaculture principles.
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Permaculture is a holistic approach that is guided by ethics and looks to do good for people and the environment. It is guided by the principles of nature but looks to enhance functionality from what nature can already do. It helps us to provide all our needs within a local reach, including food, shelter, and teaches us to give back to the community any excess. It looks at how landscapes can be enhanced to function better with more diversity of produce, which is ultimately better for the environment and increases resiliency – for instance, if one crop substance fails, then there is something else that can be harvested meaning the whole crop has not failed. This biodiversity also helps the plants themselves be more resilient to pests and diseases and therefore less likely to fail.
Permaculture also shows us how intelligent design of buildings and systems can help to reduce effort and energy required on a daily basis, for instance having the salad garden next to the kitchen so minimizing trips required to get the daily lettuce, but having the other vegetables that are not harvested so regularly a bit further away as there are less trips required to this section of a garden.
Within permaculture, a large element is to make use of everything, closing loops in waste streams, for instance re-using water that has been used to wash clothes or drains from the showers you take, for a second purpose, such as to flush toilets or water the plants. Fresh water is such a valuable resource on this planet that it is important to try not to waste it and get maximal usage out of it. There is a big focus on rainwater harvesting, along with various methods to try and store water within the ground. Water bodies, such as ponds are a great habitat for many species and they can be used to store water when there is excess, but also can be used to soak more water into the ground and can be cleverly used to re-charge depleted water tables.
My Typical Day:
Each day for me is quite varied at the moment. Some days I go onto site early as it gets very hot and humid after lunch, and check on project progress and offer support and advice for further possible improvements to be made for the sites.
After lunch, I often do some computer based work or learnings. -
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I am fortunate enough that when I do go on site, I often get to drink from a fresh coconut. which I love! And some days we get it cut open so we can eat from the coconut too.
I grew up in a sleepy town in Somerset in the South West of England, called Crewkerne. I then went on to do my undergraduate Masters’ at University of Nottingham in Biochemistry and Biological Chemistry, then went on to do my PhD in Biomedical Research at Queen’s University Belfast. After that, I worked in industry for 2.5 years back in the South West of England to be close to friends and family again.
10 x GCSEs
Philosophy and Ethics, and Psychology at AS Level
Biology, Chemistry, Maths at A Level
Master’s Degree
Various professional development courses
Work History:
I have worked as a waitress for a short while, and a cleaner, and a salesclerk, and a much longer time as an administrator through several agency’s.
Later on, during my PhD I also took on demonstrating positions to help other students in practical laboratory sessions.
I had a 4 month maternity cover role as a Research Fellow.
I have had 2 jobs at different pharmaceutical R&D companies that specialized in inhaled medicines.
Now I am a director in a consultancy company aiming to improve sustainability.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Creative, Curious, Resilient
What did you want to be after you left school?
At one point I wanted to be a doctor, but I am quite glad that my life took me a different route
Were you ever in trouble at school?
No not really, I was a star pupil to be honest. Always did my homework, and wore the uniform (although I played a bit with that but no-one minded as I was generally pretty good) was always at class and on time and engaged with the lesson content.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I am very enthused by research into plastic degradation.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
It is so hard to choose a favorite, I have a very varied taste in mustic.