
Jen Antrobus
About Me:
I live in Manchester and when I’m not being a scientist during the day (and sometimes at night!) I love reading and baking. I also love Harry Styles, wearing colourful clothes and showing that anybody can be a scientist!
My pronouns are:
My Work:
My research is focused on trying to find ways to make radiotherapy a better treatment for patients with cancer and make the nasty side effects not so nasty anymore!
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Radiotherapy is used to treat lots of different cancers. The patient is put under a big machine which fires X-rays at them. This kills the cancer, but can also cause lots of damage to healthy cells in the body too. I’m trying to find ways to make it easier to kill the cancer cells so we don’t need to use as much radiation. I’m also looking at a new type of radiotherapy that uses protons instead of X-rays, which can be a better treatment for specific cancer patients.
My Typical Day:
I wake up and have a coffee – I can’t get through the day without my coffee – and do some yoga most mornings. I go to work and some days we have group meetings to catch up on what cool science has been going on. Then, I go to the lab and do some experiments. If I’m not doing experiments or I’m waiting for something to finish in the lab, I read research papers and sometimes do some writing too. I go home about 5pm and read, watch Netflix, and get some sleep! Sometimes I have to do night shifts too if we are using the proton beam! If I’m on a night shift I will have a chilled out day and try to sleep. I go to work around 9pm and then we usually finish around 4am. I then go home and have as much sleep as possible!
What I'd do with the prize money:
I’d love to go into schools and show people that anybody can be a scientist! Especially young girls who might not see themselves represented in STEM role models. I think it’s really important to show that you can love fashion and makeup and yoga and reading as well as being an awesome scientist!
I went to Ambrose Barlow High School. For my GCSEs I did English, Maths, Science, RE, History, French and German. I picked History, French and German because I didn’t know I wanted to do science yet! Then I went to Loreto College where I did Biology, Chemistry and Psychology A-levels. I did my undergraduate degree in Medical Genetics at the University of Leicester, a master’s degree in cancer research at the University of Manchester, and I’ve just completed a PhD in cancer biology at the University of Liverpool.
GCSEs: English literature (A*), English language (A), maths (A*), RE (A*), Science (A), History (A*), French (A) and German (A)
A-Levels: Psychology (A*), Biology (A), Chemistry (B)
BSc: Medical Genetics (2:1)
MSc: Cancer Research (Merit)
PhD: Cancer Biology
Work History:
I’ve mainly just had part time retail work while I’ve been in education. I also did some tutoring for a while!
Current Job:
I’m currently a postdoctoral researcher in radiobiology! This just means it’s the first step in my career after my doctorate (PhD).
University of Manchester
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
A surgeon!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really, no
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Maybe something to do with psychology
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Harry Styles!
What's your favourite food?
Salt and vinegar crisps
Tell us a joke.
What's green and not heavy? Light green