
Charles Michie
About Me:
I am a PhD genetics researcher living in Oxford all the way from New Zealand. I love sports such as rugby, cricket and rock-climbing!
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I grew up in Auckland, New Zealand and have always been interested in why the living world the way it is. Since a young age I have been fascinated by biology and evolution. This probably stems from a love of dinosaurs and other prehistoric life! This eventually led to me pursuing a PhD. I have played many sports throughout my life, but right now my main focus is rock-climbing where I go multiple times a week. I love listening to music and will constantly be listening throughout the day. I love all animals but primates and birds are my favourite!
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I am a PhD student using computational programs to study the DNA of slow lorises and the viruses within them.
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I research the DNA of slow lorises, a small nocturnal endangered primate from southeast Asia. I primarily search for DNA sequences which have originated from a type of virus called retroviruses. These viruses infect the host and leave their DNA within the host. This happens to every vertebrate species including humans! This is not harmful however, and in few cases the host receives great benefit from this virus DNA. We are looking for them within slow lorises because very little has been studied within them and we want to see if patterns of virus DNA we see in humans are similar within this distant species.
Another part of my work is looking at the total host DNA of the slow loris and seeing if it can tell us about the species past.
My Typical Day:
I wake up and have breakfast and usually get to work around 8am. I am typically using programs to examine and analyse the DNA of slow lorises. I have lunch with my friends in my office and will continue to work until I am tired and head home!
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I often am running codes and scripts which allow me to search the slow loris DNA for the DNA of viruses. We take segments of virus DNA and compare it to DNA within slow loris to see if we can find any old viruses. I can then extract these regions and examine them to see how complete and old they are and if they are similar to any other viruses.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would like to run a day which teaches interested young scientists about some computational programs that biologists use.
I went to Takapuna Grammar School all the way back in New Zealand! School is a bit different in New Zealand but in my final year I did Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus and English.
I then went to the University of Auckland where I completed my undergraduate degree in Biological and Anthropological Science where I focused on evolution. I then completed my Masters degree at the University of Auckland where I researched how eggs of marine animals such as crabs and mussels move around in the ocean and where they go in New Zealand!
I am now in my second year of my PhD at Oxford Brookes University.
GCSEs equivalent: Biology A, Chemistry B, Physics A, Math A, English C.
A Levels equivalent: Biology A, Chemistry B, Physics A, Calculus B, English B.
Biological and Anthropological Science Undergraduate degree – First Class (University of Auckland)
Masters degree – First Class (University of Auckland)
Work History:
Touch Rugby referee
Barista and cafe assistant
Graduate teaching assistant, University of Auckland
Volunteering: Auckland Zoo, Biological Anthropology Lab
Current Job:
Second year PhD student
Oxford Brookes University
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
I have always been interested in education and wanted to be a teacher or lecturer!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Only a few times, usually for not doing all my homework oops.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I would also had been very interested in studying dinosaurs!
Who is your favourite singer or band?
It is too hard to pick one! Probably Pink Floyd
What's your favourite food?
Again too hard to pick one! Maybe pasta or sushi
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
be more confident and sure of myself, have better memory and sleep better
Tell us a joke.
Why don’t monkeys play cards in the savannah? There are too many cheetahs