Anitta Chacko
About Me:
I am a PhD student who studies the powerhouse of the cell and what happens when they don’t quite work like they should. I love harry potter, anything related to food and pretending to be a baking professional : ) p.s. I usually end up with burnt cake but hey its the effort that counts right?
My Work:
I am a PhD student who studies the POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL (mitochondria) and what happens when they don’t quite work like they should. For this I have to look after do experiments on mitochondria in stem cells.
My Typical Day:
My alarm goes off, I then press snooze repeatedly 3 times before I drag myself out of bed to brush my teeth-then it’s all fast forward mode from here onwards. Breakfast ⟶Check phone ⟶Tube ⟶Uni ⟶Labs ⟶Experiments Experiments Experiments and then before you know it its time to go home and relax for the day. And by relax, I definitely allocate time to squeeze in some reading for my project in there.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would love to run an online workshop for students interested in becoming scientific researchers. This workshop would potentially involve a live tour of the lab and equipment including talks with other members about all the different kinds of projects we are doing in relation to mitochondria. There would potentially be opportunities for students to meet online and ask questions to PhD students, research technicians and postdocs in the lab. This would hopefully make more people aware about mitochondria and the potential career pathways open in this field of research as well as give mitochondrial research the spotlight they truly deserve.
I went to St John Bosco Arts College in Liverpool followed by Liverpool John Moores University for my Undergraduate degree, then University of Liverpool for my Masters and now here I am in the big city of London for my PhD.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
foodie, short, loves travelling (Okay okay I know that is four words)
What did you want to be after you left school?
Warning-boring answer coming through -A SCIENTIST :)
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I have to say I mostly played by the rules-we'll keep the exceptions a secret for now (shush!)
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Currently, Dua Lipa -although my mind tends to change every alternative day
What's your favourite food?
EVERYTHING-well minus liver (Ew!)
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1) To be tall enough to reach the top shelf in the lab without using a step ladder 2)To eat copious amounts of food without having to exercise 3)To find out that Hogwarts is real and find out that I got accepted there
Tell us a joke.
What do I say to people that insult mitochondria?-I ignore them because it's a total waste of ENERGY [Do you get it? No, okay never mind, I must be running out of energy ;) ] ]