• Question: Why did you decide to pick your jobs?

    Asked by KatieD13 on 30 Sep 2024.
    • Photo: Rebecca von Hellfeld

      Rebecca von Hellfeld answered on 30 Sep 2024:

      I always loved the ocean and ideally wanted to work at/near/with it. But I always thought I had to be SUPER GOOD at science, and in school I never really got good grades in chemistry or physics. So I decided to do a more generic environmental undergraduate, realising that I was totally wrong and should have gone with marine biology straight away. So I did a marine focussed masters, and the rest is history.
      For me, its the calming nature of the ocean, and the fact that we still know so little about it. I saw an interview with Sylvia Earle when I was a kid, and that made me realise that you can actually work as a marine researcher!

    • Photo: Michael C Macey

      Michael C Macey answered on 30 Sep 2024:

      I was always interested in science as a kid, and I wanted to do medicine originally but when I was attending a medical talk I discovered I have a strong blood phobia (by nearly fainting…). I realised I still liked research and went into biology for my undergrad, discovered microbiology and did a microbiology PhD.

      For my job now, there was an advert on a facebook group for microbiologists about a job at the Open University researching extreme microbes – the timing was perfect as I was finishing my PhD, the project looked interesting and I had the skills needed. Eight years later I am still here.

    • Photo: Martin McMahon

      Martin McMahon answered on 4 Oct 2024:

      Strangely I didn’t really pick my jobs, I just kind of bumped into each opportunity at the right time and changed jobs when that happened.

    • Photo: Michael Schubert

      Michael Schubert answered on 4 Oct 2024:

      I always wanted to go into science – and especially life sciences. I loved biology because I loved learning about the world around me (and about myself)! Once I decided I liked that branch of science, I couldn’t decide what to do, so I did a little of everything: plants, animals, dinosaurs, medicine, you name it. Eventually, I did my degree in medical sciences… but even then I couldn’t make up my mind, so now I work across a lot of different life sciences.

    • Photo: Rachael Eggleston

      Rachael Eggleston answered on 11 Oct 2024:

      I actually just stumbled into it! I thought plants were pretty interesting while I was in high school, but I thought everything was interesting. I decided to study plants because a professor at my university took the time to show me around the department and talk about what a career in plant science could be.
