Question: Which force will ultimately win in the universe:gravity, which pulls matter together, or dark energy, which accelerates the expansion of the universe?
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Asked by Rmya on 20 Mar 2025.Question: Which force will ultimately win in the universe:gravity, which pulls matter together, or dark energy, which accelerates the expansion of the universe?
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Andrew M commented on :
The most recent set of results have just been released by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), and they’re …odd. It looks like Dark Energy may be weirder than we thought, if the results are confirmed as genuine. As they stand at the moment there’s a suggestion that the strength of Dark Energy may not be constant, but has weakened over time. What this means for the fate of the universe, I don’t know, it may still be too early to call.
DESI has a public website and even a You-tube channel where the latest results are discussed if you’d like to know more. Doubtless it will also get picked up by other astronomy and astrophysics channels and discussed in detail there until the result is either confirmed or evaporates.