Definitely! We have a ton of evidence that evolution is real.
For example:
– we have fossils from different time periods which show the skeleton of animals changing very slightly (evolving) with time, including humans!
– a famous scientist called Darwin went to the Galápagos Islands to study birds. He found that all the birds on the Island were very similar, but all had a slightly different beak that helped them eat different foods (like berries or a harder beak for cracking nuts). He concluded that the birds had evolved to be better at eating different food, and the ones that were not as good at eating food died out.
– we find that animals in very hot climates have similar features which allow them to live in the desert, whereas animals in the artic have thick fur and fat which helps them keep warm. These animals have evolved to be able to live in these harsh environments.
– we have evidence that chickens evolved from dinosaurs!
– we also find that all living things share similar DNA or genetic features, which means they all came from a common ancestor