• Question: how do you find out about stuff?? Do you fly to a different country to find out??

    Asked by TillSandMajA to Jack H on 11 Mar 2025.
    • Photo: Jack Hughes

      Jack Hughes answered on 11 Mar 2025:

      Really good question! Most of the stuff we need for my daily work is processes we’ve done lots of. These are normally guided by UK rules (called regulations and standards) which say what we need to do. Sometimes we need to help the government make the rules, and sometimes we can find out from other companies within the UK to help make them.
      Often, I follow existing regulations, but with new technologies like drones and AI, we sometimes need to adapt to new regulations. This includes looking at regulations from countries like America. Often, other countries have more advanced technology, so we do need to travel to other countries to see what technologies they have.
      I know a few people who have travelled abroad for knowledge sharing but unfortunately I haven’t been given the opportunity
