Questions Answered by Evelyn M
if you fell off the statue of liberty, but landed on a massive cushion, would you break any bones?
by ava and hibba!!
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what is a sport scientist
by used520tube to Kirsty L, Jessica M, Evelyn M
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when we put plasters on open, bleeding wounds, wouldnt that surely cause the blood to clot under your skin?? how come
by ava and hibba!!
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sorry are you a vet? and if so how long did you study and where?
by MaxB to noeliayusta, melissau, Evelyn M, Debbie, Ambre
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What is your favourite animal?
by nada520prep and 1 other. to Larissa Chicoski, Karen E, heatherthompson, Chloe L, Evelyn M
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What is your favourite experiment you’ve done
by text520haut and 3 others.
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what jobs can you pursue with applied science BTECH
by Caitlin
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What are the qualifications needed to be a scientist
by EvangelA and 3 others.
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What was the most challenging thing you faced in aspects of school to get where you are now?
by west520comb
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Are any of you Marine Biologists??? im gonna be a marine biologist
by Maiiiii
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Recent Comments
How does the sun heat up our planet when it is so far away? (1 comment)
why do some animals have sharp teeth (1 comment)
Hello. What is the biggest mistake you made either while studying or at your job, and what advice would you give (2 comments)
Do you enjoy looking after animals (1 comment)
what is bacteria accutally are? (1 comment)