Questions Answered by Emma W
is psychology related to science?
by went520shes to Sophie P, Emma W, cathyfernandes, Ailish T
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How protected do you think your field will be in the future from machine replacement?
by pace520keys
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what do you think about the econimical state of the science labs
by arms520hued
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Where do the organoids come from and how are they grown
by hand520doty to Emma W
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Hi, i read an article saying drinking coffee everyday lowers your risks of getting demantia, is it ture, as far as you
by Sophia2 to Sophie P, paulterrill, Katharine G, janmckendrick, Gabrielle (she/her), Emma W, cathyfernandes, Allyson L, Ailish T
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what do you do in your free time in a lab for example.
by bank520hued
Comments: (so far, 3s comments )
What is a common misconception about your job that a lot of people assume?
by Lara
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What is the hardest part about having a career in science?
by ErinB and 7 others.
Comments: (So far, one comment )
what’s the best part of your job
by sure520hunh and 35 others.
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what was the most important thing you have done
by mans520fops and 2 others.
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Recent Comments
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