Questions Answered by Alana M
How do you think the world was created?
by near520muon and 1 other.
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What is your favourite experiment you’ve done
by text520haut and 5 others.
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Could time travel ever be possible?
by than520saps
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What is your most haert-warming story?
by kent520saps to sirajsayed, Ryan, Ruth A, martinmcmahon, johneaston, Jenny, Ester, Carly Bingham, Alice, Alana M
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What do you love about science and what motivated you to do it?
by hang520kagu to Karen E, Ashley H, artemiseales, Anna S, Alana M
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what is the most impressive thing that you have done in science amd why
by page520muon and 1 other. to Will B, Karen E, Ashley H, artemiseales, Alana M, Chloe L
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If you could have one question answered that you didnt know from some all knowing being what would it be?
by near520muon
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I would like to know what A-levels you need to do to become a scientist and what subjects?
by deed520jeer and 2 others.
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What is inside of nuclear bombs?
by ands520agee to Tina-Jaine H, Stephen M, Ruth, oliviawilliams, michaeltaylor, graemesutcliffe, M, Calum, Alana M
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What is the sound barrier
by Jahi
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Recent Comments
Which is the best job to do if you don’t want to be sat at a desk all day and being active (1 comment)
if you drank venom would it have the same effect as being bitten or stabbed (1 comment)
have you ever experienced sexism/racism in your job? (1 comment)
What’s one of the most interesting or challenging cases you’ve worked on where your scientific expertise played a (2 comments)
do doctors hert people (2 comments)