Question: why isnt pluto a real planet anymore? so what if its small? why does that matter?
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Asked by ava and hibba!! on 15 Jan 2025. This question was also asked by just520boom.Question: why isnt pluto a real planet anymore? so what if its small? why does that matter?
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Andrew M commented on :
It’s part of the scientific process. Ideas are proposed, tested and accepted only until there’s newer and better information that suggests the original idea needs to be modified or junked.
Pluto was a planet until new discoveries showed it to be different to the other 8 planets. The new definition isn’t a completely happy one – there are some problems with it so it won’t be a great surprise as we make further discoveries in the outer solar system and in the planetary systems of other stars if it changes again.
It’s part of the joy of science – it flows, it flexes, it adapts and it evolves