• Question: why is raw meat bad for you? and how does cooking it prevent this?

    Asked by ava and hibba!! on 28 Jan 2025.
    • Photo: Carly Bingham

      Carly Bingham answered on 28 Jan 2025:

      Raw meat often has germs on it that make us seriously ill – you might have heard of bugs such as salmonella and E.Coli. These bugs are usually killed by the cooking process as most bacteria (bugs) cannot survive at high temperatures.

    • Photo: Jo Brown

      Jo Brown answered on 17 Feb 2025:

      It is not that raw meat is bad for you, but eating raw meat can be risky as it can make you really poorly. Raw meat can contain bacteria, germs, toxins, bugs, parasites… which makes raw meat unsafe to eat. to minimize the risk of getting severely poorly it is important to cook meat thoroughly to the recommended temperatures as this can kill all these harmful things and then makes meat much safer to eat.

      This applies to a lot of foods that you will buy in the supermarkets. Food Safety is the central aspect for the food industry !
