• Question: Why is math so essential to us

    Asked by debt520guvs on 7 Mar 2025.
    • Photo: Melissa U

      Melissa U answered on 7 Mar 2025:

      For my kind of work maths is important when I’m working out how much medicine I need to give to an animal – this based on knowing the weight of the animal (in kg), the recommended dose rate of the medicine (in mg/kg) and the concentration of the medicine in the product I’m using (this might be a tablet or an injection, for example, in mg or mg/ml if it’s a liquid) Using these three numbers maths helps me to work out how many tablets/how big an injection I need to give. So it’s not complicated maths but it’s super important to be able to do it accurately, to keep the animal safe (wouldn’t want to give too much, as that might harm the animal, wouldn’t want to give too little as the medicine might not work effectively)
